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Calais Light's unique #CourtCommerce initiative is all about UK social inclusion &  integration for homeless refugees, who've lost everything. In 2 years, we've gifted £350,000 in brand new clothing to refugees, all donated to us by our amazing world-class Helper Brands. 

By collaborating with some of the UK's biggest, edgiest clothing brands, we provide refugees arriving in the UK, who often do not have more than what they are standing in, a chance to choose brand new, age-appropriate clothing and shoes. 

We persuade our partner brands to help us 'Honour Refugees' and promote social inclusion with these occasional gifts showing that we welcome them & empathise with all they have lost. Even if it is just via one perfectly-sized outfit

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Unique collaboration with top brands

The #CourtCommerce initiative is a huge part of what we do at Calais Light. We are on a mission to provide people seeking asylum in the UK with brand-new, quality clothing & items from globally recognised brand partnerships. With this unique initiative, we work with aspirational, high quality fashion brands and ask them to supply new, age-appropriate clothing, shoes and other products.

We check the exact sizes needed & ask our helper brands to deliver and entire outfit, in exact sizes directly to the bridging hotels and the charities who support them.

We also strive to create an environment where refugees can choose items themselves. We work with the charities to create popups in the accommodation where people can try brand new items on, not second hand. A small moment of surprise where choice means dignity.

What's wrong with second hand clothes?

Nothing! But? You can't fit in if you look 'other' & you always look 'other'.


All refugees have suffered unimaginable loss & must travel 1000s of miles to seek sanctuary. They have had to leave behind family, loved ones, luggage and almost all of their possessions. They arrive in one outfit - often with no shoes.​


We all want to feel good and new clothes can be a real help. This is no different for refugees who want to look similar to others in their new world.


Although second-hand clothes are great & necessary, often these donations are the wrong size, ill-fitting, grubby and worn or too dated for the 20-somethings who receive them. New clothes can work wonders for refugees' mental health and aid social integration & inclusion into society. #CourtCommerce seeks to 'honour refugees' but primarily wants to change the way many British people perceive them. We want to start a new, more open conversation about refugees - one of respect, personal dignity and choice.

THE GAP & CALais Light

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GAP UK, a $15 billion global brand sponsors Calais Light and we're delighted that it has renewed its sponsorship for 2024. It actively supports Calais Light donating brand new, age appropriate clothing and supports us with finding new volunteers and spreading the word about Calais Light and works jointly with us on social inclusion

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