uk befriending hubs - new!
why are befriending hubs needed?
One of the many challenges a refugee faces is the ability to live and navigate uncertain circumstances, amongst unfamiliar faces facing bewildering bureaucracy. This is amplified if you are unable to speak or understand English.
People of multiple nationalities are housed together and the inability to communicate with those you live with further entrenches loneliness and lack of belonging.
english lessons
We have started language classes in accommodation centres in Essex. Volunteers give their time to provide 1 on 1 and general tuition in English so that the residents have the skill and confidence to go to the shops, speak to their neighbours, bring their children to school and carry out day to day interactions that we all take for granted
Settle and Thrive
UK Calais Lighters undertake everything from explaining documents to booking appointments to driving and sometimes, well just listening & befriending.
Volunteers also help with enrolment into local colleges for english lessons.
We need you
There is an urgent need to help the thousands of migrants who have arrived in the UK facing an uncertain and difficult future. We want to help them settle and thrive.
We need proactive, committed, 'can-do' people who are both enthusiastic and sympathetic. The language barrier is a huge obstacle which prevents refugees settling into a new life & getting what they need - so being prepared to overcome that (Google Translate/ good humour) is vital. If this sounds like you, we'd love to hear more from you.