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- a new way to help refugees -

sponsor CL Convoy No. 31

now until 1st March



You can help provide immediate and impactful relief for refugees by making a donation today. We are so thankful for your support, which we rely on to deliver life saving aid and social integration opportunities. 

volunteer with  us

CALAIS AND THE UK and n. france 

Do something worthwhile with your weekend

Weekend convoys to calais

Calais Light first travelled to Calais in 2015 and we keep going back. We travel 5 times a year with convoys of volunteers. We do this to help grassroots charities based in Calais like Care4Calais & Refugee Community Kitchen  supporting them in their work with the refugee population in and around Calais.


Light? We are process-light; we make it quicker & less hassle to volunteer, as we do just about everything for you bar pack your bag. Our short convoys, (Dep. Friday 10am/ Back Sunday 9pm), make volunteering compatible with work. We expose people who might usually say ‘no’ to volunteering in Calais to the shocking & inhumane conditions refugees contend with every day.


We believe the convoy experience transforms our volunteers into people who understand & respect refugees.  Calais Lighters return time after time, but we are always looking for new people, especially experienced Continental drivers.


UK Volunteer network - new!

New social integration activities just launched + English lessons taught 3 times a week!

Enjoy beach walks, pet picnics and 10 Pin Bowling whilst making new connections and helping to socially integrate refugees into our local communities. Find out more and sign up to volunteer


There are many reasons that people become refugees – they flee persecution, wars, armed conflicts, human rights abuse, forced conscription, climate change and famine.


Calais Light believes we can best help refugees settle and thrive in the UK by promoting social inclusion - essential to adjusting to a new life here. A sense of belonging & feeling accepted is crucial for any human to thrive - and we are ALL human


Three teams of CL  English -teaching volunteers travel to our Essex-based Befriender Hub & spend time helping refugees from UK bridging hotels learn situational English which helps them operate independently,  find their feet locally, access activities & make connections in their local community. Speaking and reading English is KEY to social integration & inclusion in British society. We help to make refugees’ lives more bearable & better by teaching English, reading and conversing with them 3 times a week


To help us support refugees in Essex and West London -JOIN US

We are looking for volunteers in Wembley, Paddington & Ealing right now!

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#CourtCommerce is an integral part of Calais Light.

It’s a Brand Collaboration initiative which

changes the narrative around refugees who have so little.

We wish to give of our best to them!


#CourtCommerce does this by forging partnerships with world-class brands.

In 3 years we have raised over £605,000 of brand new, stylish clothes & items delivered directly to refugees from brands like Puma, Unilever, Berghaus, GAP & Vans, 


Refugees arrive with little more than what they stand up in. They are often offered second-hand, mismatched clothes & they don’t have clothes to match changing seasons.


We change that!


#Courtcommerce sources new, valuable and essential items to gift to refugees from huge clothing brands and with a bit of help from us, the refugees we work with can choose stylish, brand-new, correctly-sized, age-appropriate clothing and other products. We want refugees to feel great in their clothes & be able to blend into society. How can you blend in when you always wear mismatched cast offs? New clothes improve mental wellbeing and help refugees to feel welcome, valued & more able to survive the difficult circumstances they often find themselves in.

the charities we support

Care4Calais is a volunteer-run refugee charity working with refugees in the UK, France and Belgium

Refugee Community Kitchen serves hot, nourishing meals to displaced people in the UK and France.

Roots is a small grassroots NGO that provides sustainable, environmentally conscious services to displaced people living in northern France. 

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